“Forever Loved, Never Forgotten”

The Navy Gold Star Program is eternally grateful for the sacrifice of those Service Members who have died in service to our country. To help us to never forget, we have set up this tribute page to honor and remember the memory of those lives. If you would like to honor the memory of your Sailor, Soldier, Marine, Airman or Coast Guardsman through the Navy Gold Star website please submit your thoughts and a photo.

In tribute to ETVC John L. Davey who served his country proudly in the U.S. Navy for 12 years as a submarine sailor aboard the USS Alabama, with Detachment Poseidon and Naval Research Laboratories. As a military kid, John knew his goal was to follow in the footsteps of his father, grandfathers and many uncles who had served in the military, and he worked hard to achieve that goal. So, when he put on anchors as a Navy Chief in 2021, it was one of the proudest moments for all but especially John. The impact and valor of John’s service to this nation will never be known to any but a small few of his fellow serving shipmates and those who knew him best. We have had many tales of him via those shipmates and friends, mostly that he loved the navy, loved what he did, and at times he could be a tough leader but there was no one who could make everyone smile, laugh, and come together as a team quite like “Davey”. We cherish every memory given to us and hold them tightly in our hearts. He was the most awesome, most witty, and most wonderful loving son, brother, grandson, nephew and friend to all of us.