“Forever Loved, Never Forgotten”

The Navy Gold Star Program is eternally grateful for the sacrifice of those Service Members who have died in service to our country. To help us to never forget, we have set up this tribute page to honor and remember the memory of those lives. If you would like to honor the memory of your Sailor, Soldier, Marine, Airman or Coast Guardsman through the Navy Gold Star website please submit your thoughts and a photo.

DeFang, Gabriel.jpg


May 2nd 1975 ! ! !

A day to remember. On this day

* A great son was born.

*A great STAR and Hero he grew up to be.

*A great and loving husband he became

* A great and caring Father he has been

* A great brother and friend he was to all

* A great filler of baskets indeed!

* A great scientist he became

*A great Navy Commander indeed

* Most of all, A great American he was.

 He touched and impacted many lives

 We thank the Almighty God for sending us such a blessing 

 He has left a vacuum no human can fill

 He is greatly missed by all who knew him. Our hearts bleed. But....

* Now RESTING with JESUS till we meet to part no more!! !

 ADIEU !!!