“Forever Loved, Never Forgotten”

The Navy Gold Star Program is eternally grateful for the sacrifice of those Service Members who have died in service to our country. To help us to never forget, we have set up this tribute page to honor and remember the memory of those lives. If you would like to honor the memory of your Sailor, Soldier, Marine, Airman or Coast Guardsman through the Navy Gold Star website please submit your thoughts and a photo.

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Vaughn is my second child and the only child his father and I planned. We knew we wanted a boy and by the grace of God we got one. Vaughn was a great child even though he was slow to speak and walk and once he started speaking it was gibberish and no one understood him except me. Which is how life would play out, I would become his best friend. He shared a lot with me, especially his treatment in the Navy. He was stationed in Coronado and according to my son it was not the best experience. When my son died, he said mom,” I am finally happy” he was able to live out his passion and for that I am thankful to God. To God be the glory for the good things He has done. I will forever love you, Son. Isaiah 57: 1-2